Black Book Research is a full-service healthcare-centric market research and public opinion research company and premier provider of competitive intelligence, market research, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, services evaluation and strategic consulting services to Fortune 2000 companies worldwide. We offer complete quantitative and qualitative research services, excelling in the design of customized surveys and research approaches to meet specific needs in healthcare.

Since 2002, Black Book has been recognized as a Top 25 international market research niche firm, specializing in the technology, healthcare, pharmaceutical, procurement, higher education, finance and business services sectors.

We have served over 12,000 clients including all of the nation's top 100 financial institutions, 300 largest hospitals, 50 top insurers, 100 top universities, and the world's 400 largest technology firms. Our merited reputation for extreme accuracy and passionate customer service is something of great value to us, and our clients, who continue requesting our services year after year.

Black Book is committed to continuing research and analysis of strategic issues in the global marketplace. We've developed specialized surveying tools, opinion mining and knowledge management systems that enable our consultants to create and share innovative approaches worldwide.

Black Book Rankings conducts multi-scale research projects to measure many items of interest, including: image, attitudes, opinions, awareness and market share. Our staff will be glad to discuss your research needs with you, refine your research objectives and make recommendations regarding optimal research methods. We will share our experience relevant to your project and develop a proposal to fit your budget. Black Book Rankings is a full-service research company that conducts the following types of surveys:

  • Telephone
  • Internet
  • Mail/Fax
  • Face-to-face/Intercepts
  • Executive (B2B)
  • Cross Sectional
  • Longitudinal
  • Trend Studies
  • Cohort Studies
  • Panel Studies
  • Questionnaires
  • Interviews

How Black Book Differs In The Healthcare Research Sector

Black Book Research, its founders, management and staff do not own or hold any financial interest in any of the vendors covered and encompassed in the surveys it conducts. Black Book reports the results of the collected satisfaction and client experience rankings in publication and to media prior to vendor notification of rating results and does not solicit vendor participation fees, review fees, inclusion or briefing charges, and/or vendor collaboration as Black Book polls vendors clients